1:1 Ritual Guidance

Cultivating your capacity for ritual, hand-in-hand with our beloved Earth, to help you navigate the wilderness of longing, loss, love, transformation and new beginnings.  Enter a WILD SANCTUARY of dream-tending, deep imagination journeys, mentorship in nature-based ceremony – to honour your unique story and empower you through change.

“Brooke is a loving, intuitive and focused guide into deep imagination.

She created safe, respectful space and brought her wisdom, curiosity and total acceptance to my process. This allowed me to be free to follow and enjoy what naturally emerged in the dreaming and mythical realms, resulting in new insights that will help me achieve my goals.

– Liz, www.lizwouters.com

Work with me

Finding ways amidst the fullness of it all, to make of little offerings of brave beauty to the world.  Our rituals becoming a lantern to guide the way.


  • Clarify your intentions for potent ritual

  • Cultivate capacities in the art of ritual

  • Deepen your connection and alignment with Earth’s rhythms

  • Harvest living symbols from dream-tending and deep imagery journeys

  • Mark your transition or celebrate your passage through a ceremonial container

  • Allow the flow of your emotions through ritual gesture and ceremony

75 min online sessions

Single session /120$ CND

3-session package – $100/session

7+ sessions – $90/session (scheduled as needed biweekly or monthly)


75-90 min “in-person” sessions (outdoor or indoors)

Single session /150$ CND

3-session package – $125/session

7+ sessions – $110/session (scheduled as needed biweekly or monthly)


75min online session + 1:1 guided in-person ceremony + follow-up email with take-home invitations / $350 CND


2x 75min online session + 1:1 guided in-person ceremony + follow-up email with take-home invitations / $450 CND


With creativity, deep empathy, skill and wisdom, Brooke drew out a deep and beautiful vision that I didn’t know I had within.  She helped me create a ceremony that would acknowledge and deepen this time of enormous change in my life to be shared within a circle of beloved friends. I was left vibrating with excitement for days after our conversation!

– Selinde Krayenhoff, Anglican priest, co-founder Island Parent Magazine, facilitator Authentic Communication (Nonviolent Communication) and soul-based coach trainee

Open your heart to the stories
of Stone, Fur, Bone, Fern and Honey.

Let them find you.

They each have their wisdom to share.

See how your stories hold hands.

let’s honour your journey

I respectfully acknowledge my place as a settler on the stolen Indigenous lands and Coast Salish territories of the Lək̓ʷəŋən/Lekwungen (Songhees and Esquimalt) and W̱SÁNEĆ ((SȾÁUTW/ Tsawout, W̱JOȽEȽP/ Tsartlip, BOḰEĆEN/Pauquachin, WSIḴEM/ Tseycum, MÁLEXEȽ/ Malahat) First Nations, whose timeless relationships with the land continue to this day.  As a guest on this land, may my deep respect and reverence be enacted through my relationship with the rightful stewards and traditional keepers of this land, with the Earth and Waters, with all living entities and sentient beings, and with the spirit guardians of this place.