Creating intentional sacred space to experience nature-based ceremony


Mama Circles

Children's Rituals Vancouver Island

Ritual portals of self-care to support the motherhood journey through the childbearing and childhood years.

Tending our roots to navigate the joys and challenges of parenting

The rites of passage into motherhood dramatically shifts our identities and affects so many facets of life. Yet, this can be a unique and powerful opportunity of self-discovery if we take the time to honour, deepen, and connect to the depths of this life transition.

In these offerings, we will create a carefully-woven container, to come together and explore the motherhood transition through:

  • shared inquiry
  • nature-based contemplative practices & rituals
  • soulful poetry & story
  • ceremony
  • take-home invitations to apprentice to our wild allies

This approach is based in part on Bill Plotkin’s inner-wilderness work, combined with my celebrant training specializing in rites of passage, life transitions, story-tracking, and ceremony. This approach is not therapy, but rather provides a ritual framework and practices to tend our inner resources for greater resilience and authenticity.

At the heart of this all – the breath and blood of this offering – is my own personal journey as a mother and the inquiries I hold everyday as I wake up to ever-deepening layers of what it means to be a mother in today’s world, here and now. And how when we come together – with each of our stories and experiences – we weave the broadest tapestry of possibilities. Contact me to register!

“This offering has been a source of replenishing magic on my Motherhood journey. The invitation to be held, to be witnessed and to witness while basking in the remembering that we are never alone in our unique yet connected experience of mothering. Brooke is masterful at tending the space and stirring the heart.” – Willow Anne Meili

Deep listening to the songs of the heart

Grief Grove

A place to come rest your sorrows seasonally

Seasonal on-land gathering (one Sunday a season, ongoing yearly)

Next gathering: Sunday Nov 17, 2024, at the “Cedar Song Centre for Wild Belonging” (WSANEC territories).

May this be a place to come rest your sorrows seasonally, as this used to be part of humanity’s ways:  to grieve together and so to remember together, to rest together against the bosom of the earth and so to feel our heartbeats aligned with the greater pulsing heartbeat of life force.

May this be a place of welcome and deep listening to the whispered love notes of our grief resonating in the chambers of our hearts.  A place to allow the breathing earth to work its magic.

Co-guided with Dr. Stephanie Marchal, registered psychologist.  Learn more about her wilderness-based soul work: www.sacredweaving.org

An immersive in-person workshop on writing and ritual

Tending the Writer’s Flame

Join our next retreat Saturday and Sunday October 5-6th, 2024 in Victoria, BC, at The W̱MÍYEŦEN Nature Sanctuary, Place of the Deer (formerly known as Mary’s Lake).

Invoke your Muse.  Ignite your authentic voice.  Rather than your typical approach to writing, this seeks to be a beautiful dive into the soulful grounds of creativity and fresh inspiration.  Learn how to engage your writing practice with devotion, reverence, a sense of mystery and the possibility of numinous revelation.

Earth-anchored: Grounded in nature, rooting creativity in the Earth.

Spirit-infused: Ancestral and spirit-guided support for inspired writing.

Heart-centered: Align with the heart that moves your writing.

Children's Rituals Vancouver Island
Drawing forth the potent beauty of our visions

The Art of Body Prayer & Ceremony

Listen to the undercurrents of your soul
Tap into the wisdom of your earthly body
Align with what’s dreaming you

Saturday & Sunday August 3rd-4th, 2024, 10am-4pm

Held by the beautiful lands of “Cedar Song Centre for Wild Belonging” (WSANEC territories, Greater Victoria, BC).

Come join us, as we approach our longings and visions with reverence – these deep soulful stirrings that we can turn towards full-heartedly in an intentional and safe setting. In our time together we will offer the gift of our attention and deep listening to these longings and visions, clarify and refine them, honour and potentiate them through self-designed ritual and group ceremony.

During our time together, we will approach our visions through:

  • The art of body prayer
  • Group ceremony & self-designed ritual
  • Council sharing
  • Land-based wanders
  • Deep imagination journeys
  • A variety of soulful practices

Pricing: 240$ for two days
Possibility to camp on the land for an extra fee.
Bring your lunch.
Possibility of work trade.

Co-guided with Dr. Stephanie Marchal.  Stéphanie is a registered psychologist and can give receipts for insurance when appropriate. Learn more about her wilderness-based soul work: www.sacredweaving.org


“Wonder is part fascination, part ability to believe in things as they are, part willingness to be confused, even devastated at times, by the epic mysteriousness of ordinary things”